Web Analytics & Review

Our Analytics services solely target your business prospects and epitomize the flourishing goals and decision-making capabilities. Our team always dedicate their time to accommodate information into detailed reports, easier to comprehend. We aim to provide all-round logics to embrace your business proficiency by making you aware of the conversions, multi-channel traffic, user-preferences and many more parameters in the form of reports and visualizations generated in accordance with the cross-platform analysis. We Support your business decisions with Google Analytics Audits, Reporting and Implementations.

Your Google Analytics account is the source of your business decisions and analytics account audit data are the growth factors. Determine your analytics loopholes beforehand and avoid monitoring wrong or misleading information. We will get your Google Analytics account scrutinized deeply into every detail from the initial account setup to the evaluating metrics configurations. With this Audits, You’ll Get Evaluation Report For Content Grouping, Demographic Data, Site Search, Site Speed, Events, Custom Metrics, Goals, Goal/eCommerce Value, Sessions On Primary Domain, Sampling, Query Parameters, Bounce Rate, Self-Referrals, Custom Campaign Tracking, Traffic Tracking, Email Referrals, Social Referrals and many more.

Google Analytics Implementation Service provides the opportunity to get the Analytics Account setup implementations for the optimal tracking, validating and creating engagement. With Analytics Implementation Services, determine your business requirements and deliver codes and metrics for custom dimensions, e-commerce tracking, goals setting, and tag manager. We provide Google Analytics Implementation Services in three segments a. Tracking Setup: Analytics Tracking Setup, Tag Manager Setup, Site Search E-Commerce Purchase Tracking and Basic Goal Tracking. b. Data Validity and Audience: Basic Filters, Spam Referral Checkup, Custom Dashboards, Custom Segments, Custom Reports. c. Engagement: Goal Setup, Funnel Setup, Event Tracking.

Analyzing each activity happening within your business space and interpreting the knowledge from the recorded data is the most tedious and utmost important task for your business growth. Keeping your business prospects in view, Analysis is performed for various business constraints like your customer base/target audience, goals you wish to achieve within a time span, etc and reports are generated for each detail you wish to know.